Southern Indiana Living

JUL-AUG 2012

Southern Indiana Living magazine is the exclusive publication of the region, offering readers a wide range of coverage on the people, places and events that make our area unlike any other. In SIL readers will find beautiful photography, encouraging s

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Former Manager of Corydon Instant Print Liz Mayne is out on her own! 8 7 *W` To Go Words To Go Words To Go Words To Go Words "To go where you want them to go" Liz @ 502-895-7495 • +ZIVLITT 1VLQIVI "I appreciate people and it's what I can do for you, not what you can do for me!" Free Checking. Free 'HELW &DUG; Oh yeah, and a FREE GIFT! Bring this coupon in to take DGYDQWDJH RI WKLV VSHFLDO RIIHU Chances are, your checking account is something you use all the time. $QG LW·V LPSRUWDQW IRU \RX WR FKRRVH D SURGXFW WKDW ÀWV \RXU QHHGV We offer D UDQJH RI FKHFNLQJ RSWLRQV WKDW LV VXUH WR EH MXVW ZKDW \RX·UH ORRNLQJ IRU for old movies, original New Washington postcards and Eastern Star memorabilia. Beverly said, early on in the renovation, they found a signed, numbered print of Indiana University's Maxwell Hall, so they hung it in the lobby of their Maxwell Hall. "It just proves that it was meant to be," she said. 7KH VHFRQG ÁRRU KRXVHV DQ HFOHFWLF PXVHXP RI :DVKLQJWRQ County history. The centerpiece is a Conestoga Prairie Schooner. In 1815, Andrew and Margaret Bower came from North Carolina to what was then Indiana territory, in the schooner with their 15 FKLOGUHQ 7KH\ ZHUH DPRQJ WKH ÀUVW VHWWOHUV RI 1HZ :DVKLQJWRQ and Chris Bower, a descendant, loaned the Maxwells the schoo- ner because he wanted to share it with the community. A saddle belonging to Cole Younger is also on display. He allegedly rode with the Jessie James gang and helped rob a bank in North Min- nesota. There are three bullet holes in it. There's an old log cabin out back that has been disassembled. Marvin hopes to make it the centerpiece of an outdoor amphi- theatre. They would also like to put a regulation croquet court in the yard. And Marvin can endlessly articulate new projects that he'd like to add, however, Marvin and Beverly would like very much to sell A Step Back, but not for the reasons you might think. In 1981, Marvin was in a serious car accident. Doctors told him he'd likely never walk again. He has a slight limp, but it doesn't VHHP WR KDYH VORZHG KLP GRZQ 1RU GLG WKH ÀYH E\SDVV VXUJHULHV he had in 2002, as they were restoring the building. Their goal was to save the old Masonic Lodge and build it into a thriving enterprise. They've done that. They want to sell the business to the right person for far less that they've invested, in order to see it continue as an important part of the communi- W\ 7KH WKLUG ÁRRU RI WKH EXLOGLQJ KDG EHHQ FORVHG IRU \HDUV They painstakingly restored it and believe it would make a great Member FDIC -XO\ $XJXVW •

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