Southern Indiana Living

JUL-AUG 2012

Southern Indiana Living magazine is the exclusive publication of the region, offering readers a wide range of coverage on the people, places and events that make our area unlike any other. In SIL readers will find beautiful photography, encouraging s

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Bob and Janet Hill (above) opened Hidden Hill Nursery in 2001. Both Bob and Janet had spent plenty of time working on farms during their childhood in northern Illinois, and Bob Hill says his wife fell in love with the quaint home when she saw a SLFWXUH RI WKH IURQW SRUFK DW WKH UHDOWRU·V RffiFH They started with a simple vegetable garden, but Hill's in- terest in horticulture began to grow, and the garden began to H[SDQG "I started making trips around the country and even the ZRUOG µ +LOO VDLG ´, MXVW JRW KRRNHG DQG WKLV SODFH MXVW HYROYHG IURP WKHUH , QHYHU LPDJLQHG LW ZRXOG EH WKLV ELJ RU FRPSOH[ RU«IXQ µ In 2001 the Hills turned their hobby into a business venture, opening Hidden Hill Nursery, which is now in its 12th year of RSHUDWLRQ "We didn't know a thing about running a business or a nurs- HU\ ,W ZDV MXVW RQ WKH MRE WUDLQLQJ DQG ZH·YH SUREDEO\ JRW WLPHV PRUH VWXff QRZ WKHQ ZH GLG WKDW ÀUVW \HDU µ +LOO VDLG ,W LV FHUWDLQO\ GLffiFXOW IRU D VPDOO LQGHSHQGHQW QXUVHU\ WR survive and compete in the world of mega-stores like Lowe's DQG +RPH 'HSRW EXW WKH GLffHUHQFHV EHWZHHQ WKRVH SODFHV DQG +LGGHQ +LOOV DUH PDQ\ First of all, horticulturalists will be impressed by the shear variety of plants both on display throughout the property and IRU VDOH LQ WKH QXUVHU\ 8QLTXH DQG KDUG WR ÀQG SODQWV DUH D +LGGHQ +LOO VSHFLDOW\ "I've got a lot of unusual plants, shrubs and trees that you're QRW JRLQJ WR ÀQG DQ\ZKHUH HOVH DURXQG µ +LOO QRWHG ´:H GRQ·W have a lot of any one thing, but we've got a little bit of every- WKLQJ µ $QRWKHU VWUHQJWK LV WKH ÀUVW UDWH FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH SURYLGHG -XO\ $XJXVW • E\ %RE -DQHW DQG WKHLU VWDff DOO RI ZKRP DUH YHU\ NQRZOHGJH- DEOH ´(YHU\ERG\ RQ RXU VWDff NQRZV SODQWV UHDOO\ ZHOO :H WDNH SULGH LQ NQRZLQJ RXU GLffHUHQW SODQWV DQG ZKHUH WKH\ DUH JRLQJ WR ZRUN µ +LOO VDLG But undoubtedly the biggest strength of Hidden Hill is the SODFH LWVHOI ,W LV ZHOO ZRUWK D VKRUW WULS WR 8WLFD MXVW WR ZDON WKH SDWKV UHVW RQ WKH EHQFKHV DQG HQMR\ WKH PXOWLWXGH RI SODQWV RI all colors, shapes and sizes, not to mention the other unique and ZKLPVLFDO IHDWXUHV RI WKH SURSHUW\ ´

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