Southern Indiana Living

JUL-AUG 2012

Southern Indiana Living magazine is the exclusive publication of the region, offering readers a wide range of coverage on the people, places and events that make our area unlike any other. In SIL readers will find beautiful photography, encouraging s

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// briefs History Comes Alive Bicentennial style show/luncheon offers stories, fashions of the past New Albany's rich history came alive recently at the second Bicentennial Style Show and Luncheon this spring featuring several members of the %LFHQWHQQLDO &RPPLVVLRQ;¶V /LYLQJ +LVWRU\ &RPPLWWHH; LQ DXWKHQWLF FRVWXPHV DV WKH\ UHODWHG WKHLU VWRULHV DV ¿UVW SHUVRQ LQWHUSUHWHUV 7KLV \HDU WKH HYHQW¶V IRFXV ZDV WR ZKLOH QH[W \HDU¶V ¿QDO %LFHQWHQQLDO 6W\OH 6KRZ DQG /XQFKHRQ RQ $SULO ZLOO FRYHU IDVKLRQV IURP DOO \HDUV Lucas to speak at Pearls of Wisdom Charlotte Lucas (right) of Lucas Oil Co., Inc., will be the guest speaker at the next Pearls of Wisdom, spon sored by 1si, Wednesday, 6HSW IURP D P DW Kye's I in Jeffersonville. Don't miss an opportunity to hear Charlotte's success story. For information or to make a res ervation for Sept. 19, call 1si DW RU ORJ RQ WR Hot Business at Chillers Troy Ward and his wife, New Albany native Susan Walters Ward, Judy Miller of Milltown vacationed with Erin Parker and Theryn Parker in Okaloosa Island, Fla., in May. The trio brought along some reading material for the trip! -XO\ $XJXVW • posed at the counter of their new business with their children Sarah and Ethan. Residents of Marysville, the Wards recently opened the &KLOOHUV; IUDQFKLVH DW 0F&ODLQ; $YH LQ 6FRWWVEXUJ DQG RffHU D YDVW array of sandwiches, beverages, and other items, with a specialty in VRIW VHUYH DQG KDQG GLSSHG LFH FUHDPV LQ GR]HQV RI ÁDYRUV

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