Southern Indiana Living

JUL-AUG 2012

Southern Indiana Living magazine is the exclusive publication of the region, offering readers a wide range of coverage on the people, places and events that make our area unlike any other. In SIL readers will find beautiful photography, encouraging s

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:KHQ KH ZDV QHDUO\ KH EHJDQ ZRUN- ing on a farm processing pigs, gaining ex- perience that would serve him well, as he soon after got an apprenticeship in a deli- catessen specializing in cuts of pork in a QHDUE\ FLW\ When Retailleau was 18 he moved to Bon 3DULV MRLQLQJ KLV ROGHU EURWKHU D FKHI DW D renowned restaurant, who helped make VXUH 5HWDLOOHDX JRW D MRE LQ WKH EXVLQHVV ´, FDPH IURP WKH OLWWOH WRZQ WR WKH ELJ appétit Story & Photos // Sam C Bowles Louis Le Français brings France to Southern Indiana L ouis Retailleau has been fascinated with food since he was a toddler in France swiping in- gredients from his mother. +DYLQJ ZRUNHG LQ RZQHG DQG RSHUDWHG UHVWDXUDQWV LQ QXPHURXV FLWLHV LQ ÀYH GLffHUHQW FRXQWULHV RQ WKUHH GLffHUHQW FRQWLQHQWV 5HWDLOOHDX·V VSHFWDFXODU MRXUQH\ KDV EURXJKW KLP WR 1HZ $OEDQ\ ZKHUH LQ -DQXDU\ KH RSHQHG /RXLV /H )UDQoDLV Born in the 1930s in Miradoux, a small village in the southwest of France, \RXQJ /RXLV· ÀUVW FRRNLQJ LQVWUXFWRU ZDV KLV PRWKHU ZKRP KH VD\V ZDV D ´YHU\ ÀQH FRRN µ +H UHFDOOHG WKDW DV VRRQ DV KH ZDV WDOO HQRXJK DV D WRGGOHU KH ZRXOG steal her fresh capers from the table when she turned her back. FLW\ DQG KDG WR OHDUQ DOO NLQGV RI WKLQJV WKDW , GLGQ·W NQRZ µ 5HWDLOOHDX VDLG He worked in Parisian hotels and res- taurants until he was drafted into the )UHQFK 1DY\ WZR \HDUV ODWHU 5HFRJQL]LQJ KLV WDOHQWV WKH 1DY\ DVVLJQHG KLP WR IRRG service and preparation for the duration RI KLV WZR \HDU VHUYLFH LQ 0RURFFR 7KHQ after a brief stint in a London restaurant, Chef Louis moved to Montreal, Canada, where he worked until he got a call that changed his life. :KHQ KH ZDV OLYLQJ LQ 3DULV DQG RQO\ D teenager, he and his friend were walking LQ IURQW RI WKH $PHULFDQ (PEDVV\ ´0\ IULHQG VDLG WR PH WKHQ ¶/RX ZK\ GRQ·W ZH JR WR $PHULFD"· , VDLG ¶:K\ QRW"·µ 7KH\ ZDOW]HG LQWR WKH HPEDVV\ RQ D ZKLP DQG DVNHG WKH ODG\ DW WKH IURQW GHVN KRZ WR JR WR WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV 7KH ZRPDQ JDYH WKHP VRPH SDSHUV WR ÀOO RXW DQG WKH\ QHYHU WKRXJKW DQ\PRUH DERXW LW ´:H ZHUH \HDUV ROG WKLQNLQJ ¶:KR FDUHV"· EHFDXVH WKH ZRUOG LV LQ \RXU KDQGV µ 5HWDLOOHDX VDLG ´6R ZH ÀOOHG RXW WKH DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG IRUJRW DERXW LW µ 6L[ \HDUV ODWHU ZKLOH KH ZDV OLYLQJ LQ &DQDGD; WKH $PHULFDQ (PEDVV\ FDOOHG DQG told him he had been approved. ´,W ZDV DPD]LQJ EHFDXVH , KDG FRP- SOHWHO\ IRUJRWWHQ DERXW LW µ 5HWDLOOHDX VDLG 5HWDLOOHDX ZHQW WR 1HZ

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