Southern Indiana Living

JUL-AUG 2012

Southern Indiana Living magazine is the exclusive publication of the region, offering readers a wide range of coverage on the people, places and events that make our area unlike any other. In SIL readers will find beautiful photography, encouraging s

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Page 41 of 43

Flashback Photo 1894 *HRUJHWRZQ /DQHVYLOOH 5RDG -HVVH %XUNKDUW VDZ DQG ÀRXU PLOO Horses ready to haul a six-foot, four-inch chestnut log. Tobias Seacat, who blew the whistle, is in front (right side.) The rest of WKH ZRUNHUV DUH XQLGHQWL¿HG 7KLV SKRWR ZDV WDNHQ LQ RU E\ $OEHUW %XUNKDUW 3KRWR UHSULQWHG ZLWK SHUPLVVLRQ IURP WKH ,QGLDQD +LVWRU\ 5RRP RI WKH 1HZ $OEDQ\ )OR\G &RXQW;\ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ -XO\ $XJXVW •

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